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1-2-Grow! Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. This miniature version of the well-known Alternanthera is characterized by compact growth and a slower growth rate. It...
023C TC
1-2-Grow! Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Bucephalandra 'Needle Leaf'

  Though Bucephalandras are from Asia and Anubias fom Africa, they have a lot in common, including how to grow them.  Bucephalandra sp. 'Needle...
139C TC
1-2-Grow! Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Bucephalandra pygmaea 'Bukit Kelam'

In nature, Bucephalandra usually grows on rocks or wood in rivers and streams - much like Anubias, which they resemble regarding use and care...
139 TC
1-2-Grow! Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Mi Oya'

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. This beautiful variety of Cryptocoryne wendtii is only found in the river Mi Oya at Sri...
109D TC
1-2-Grow! Crypt Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini'

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Eleocharis acicularis 'mini' has even lower growth than the common Eleocharis parvula and was given to Tropica by...
T 132B TC
1-2-Grow! Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Helanthium tenellum 'Green'

Previously named Echinodorus tenellus 'Green'. This small rosulate plant will easily make a 5-10 cm high carpet when the light is good and the...
067A TC
1-2-Grow! Carpeting Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Hottonia palustris

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. The stem plant Hottonia from Asia and Europe is an unassuming and easy beginner plant. The...
T 027 TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Freshwater Plants Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Hydrocotyle tripartita

Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia. It...
T 039B TC
1-2-Grow! Freshwater Plants Stem Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Lilaeopsis brasiliensis

Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity. When...
040 TC
1-2-Grow! Featured Plants Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Limnobium laevigatum

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Limnobium laevigatum from South America is a decorative floating plant that is particularly suitable for open...
063 TC
1-2-Grow! Floating Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Marsilea hirsuta

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Marsilea hirsuta is a carpet-plant from Australia. A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a...
010 TC
1-2-Grow! Carpeting Freshwater Plants Tropica Plants

1-2-Grow! Rotala wallichii

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup. Rotala wallichii is a demanding plant that develops red shoot tips in good light conditions. The...
T 032A TC
1-2-Grow! Stem Tropica Plants

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